Harry Reid Must Go!

by Sully on February 28, 2014


Harry Reid is a LIAR!

About Obamacare and those who have lost their insurance … Democrat Senator Harry Reid (Nevada) said …

“Despite all that good news, there’s plenty of horror stories being told. All are untrue, but they’re being told all over America.”


Literally millions of people in this country have lost their insurance BECAUSE OF OBAMACARE!

More and more people are losing their jobs or being reduced to part-time … BECAUSE OF OBAMACARE!

Now, Harry Reid has called them all LIARS!

You have GOT to be kidding!

The greatest healthcare system in the world is being destroyed right before our eyes!

It is time for this “Liberal”, “Progressive” arrogance and ignorance to STOP!

It is “TEA TIME” folks!


Vote the lying Democrats OUT !!!



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Obamacare Is Unacceptable … PERIOD!

by Sully on February 5, 2014

Enough is enough!

Obamacare must be repealed!

Those few, who actually have coverage through it, MUST be either rescued from its “financial hardships” or allowed to remain covered … if the individuals are actually happy with their coverage.

Watch this video to “see” proof of the lies and distortion that led to this mess!

It is UNBELIEVABLE that this garbage was passed!

It is time to PUSH BACK!

Vote for CONSERVATIVES in November!!!

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Oprah Winfrey believes people “disrespect” Barack Obama because he is BLACK!

I’ve got news for you honey, people respect the presidency but, do NOT respect liars … and make no mistake  … Barack Obama is indeed a LIAR!

So is Kathleen Sebelius!

So is Joe Biden!

So is Hillary Clinton!

So is Nancy Pelosi!

So is Harry Reid!

So is Jay Carney!

So is Lois Lerner!

So is Susan Rice!

So are ALL true Liberals!

So are MANY Democrats!

So are YOU Oprah!

Barack Obama lies … and he knows EXACTLY what he is doing! He wants a “Single Payer” takeover of the healthcare system in this country! While he says that only 5% of americans will lose their private healthcare plans, he does NOT tell you about employer based plans which will also be cancelled! This “Law” is deceitful, fraudulent and destructive to our economic system.

Remember this?


Seriously, Mr President ???

President Obama is like a child … caught in a lie … and lacking the courage to apologize!

To lie or NOT to lie … THAT was the question.

Moreover, Barack Obama’s LIES continue today!!

By the way Oprah, notice the video was prepared by a … BLACK MAN!

Obamacare cannot be defended … it is reprehensible, deceitful, harmful to our economy and MUST BE REPEALED!

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There is a reason Obama lied to this nation! Just watch!

This video is over 17 minutes and I suggest you keep your cursor on the pause button so you can stop the video to read longer messaging. If you’ve been paying attention, most of this will be NO surprise at all!

Obamacare MUST be repealed!

More and more of you are beginning to understand the urgency.

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Obamacare is FRAUD!

by Sully on November 4, 2013

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!

            Sir Walter Scott

President Obama has lied again!

“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor … PERIOD!”

“If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan … PERIOD!”

Watch as Obama looks you right in the eye …

Barack Obama is lying right to your face!!!

This time however, most everyone is paying attention and his attempts to spin his way out of this one are laughable at best!

No one wants to believe that a President of the United States would purposely lie to Senators, Representatives and the American Public in order to pass legislation and push an ideology that is counter to how this country was founded!

Well folks … BELIEVE IT NOW!

I agree with Michael Savage when he states “Liberalism is a disease!” The Democrat party has been infected by Liberal ideology (so-called Progressivism) … slowly and purposely under the guise of caring, sharing and unity. What are we actually seeing? Lies, deception, divisiveness, liberal paternalism and attacks on the foundation of our Constitutional Republic!

Obamacare is designed to move healthcare towards a “Single Payer” system … completely controlled by the government and devoid of the freedom to maintain our relationships with our doctors, insurers and clinical staff!

What the embarrassing rollout of Obamacare has proven is that Ronald Reagan was right …

“Government is NOT the solution to our problem … Government IS the problem!”

Can you believe president Obama?

Do you trust president Obama?



Repeal Obamacare!


Impeach Obama!


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