by Sully on December 7, 2011

“Yesterday, December 7, 1941 … a date which will live in infamy … the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt … 12/8/1941

I would like to take this opportunity to again thank all Armed Forces Veterans for their service, sacrifice and dedication to this country.


Additionally … the need to remain vigilant, in recognizing threats, was made even more clear on September 11, 2001 when Islamic extremists attacked and brought down New York City’s World Trade Center towers. Thousands of America’s best and brightest were killed as we watched our televisions in horror.

President George W. Bush made the following speech from the pile at “Ground Zero” and I can tell you this … it mattered not if you were Republican or Democrat … we were Americans!

Pearl Harbor, September 11 and other attacks on United States interests are categorized as “physical”. It was easy to “see” the death and destruction. The pain that ensued will NEVER subside for those whose families directly suffered losses.

Make no mistake … we are AGAIN under attack! This time however, the destruction is NOT as easy to see.

This latest attack began with the election of Barack Hussein Obama! It is an ideological assault on our freedom, our liberty and the way of life that has made us great! It is represented by a President who despises capitalism and is driven by a network of “progressive” media outlets funded by shady figures attempting to “transform” the United States into a European style socialist state.

The idea is to demonize success, ingrain dependency on government, raise the poor by destroying the rich, define “straw” villains, turn American against American, support and encourage civil unrest and ultimately steal our wealth in the name of fairness and equality! Is this not what you are seeing in this President … and … in the hijacked Democrat party?

Let me ask you this … If you love someone, do you try to “Transform” them? Of course NOT! It goes against all logic to change the character, composition or structure (for that is the definition of “transform”) of someone … or something … that you truly love! It is through the lenses of this simple logic, we should see the impending danger of a second Obama term!

Before he was elected, Mr. Obama declared … “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America!”  and the crowds cheered, cried and fainted at his feet. What they didn’t know THEN … and what we are being made painfully aware of now … is that attacks on our homeland do not always come in the forms of the physical. In fact, the groundwork of this “transformational attack” has been laid for years by liberal ideology in education, lending, growth of government, legislation to takeover healthcare, political correctness and the attempts to remove Christianity from view!

If you knew an attack on your family was imminent, would you NOT take the steps necessary to protect those you love?

The time has come to open our eyes to the obvious … even though it is painful to imagine … that in order to “Transform” something, it must first be “Destroyed”!

We must NOT allow this to happen!

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… By The Company He Keeps. (part one)

by Sully on December 4, 2011

You have probably heard the following phrase …

“A man is known by the company he keeps.”

It’s a simple statement with incredible depth, truth and power.

It should give you pause.

If it doesn’t right now … keep reading!

Regardless of age, we all make decisions concerning friends, ideology and lifestyle. These decisions shape who we are, what we believe to be right, what we believe to be true … and ultimately … the causes for which we will fight!

On November 6th, 2012 you will again be asked to make a decision … to choose a President of these United States. This time however, it will be one of the most important decisions you will ever make!

As the march to 2012 continues, you will be inundated with “spin” from all sides of the political spectrum. Your television will be filled with attack ads, powerful network opinion journalism (beautifully produced I’m sure) and an obviously biased mainstream media view that is dedicated to the protection and re-election of Barack Hussein Obama.

It is precisely this “protection” that sickens me the most! If anyone should bear some responsibility for the sad state of this nation … it is a media that did NOT properly vet then senator Obama, with the same “rectal exam” scrutiny now given to Republican candidates!

We simply did NOT know enough about Barack Obama for 2008. What we were presented was an attractive, articulate black man with a grand smile who could read well and “tele-prompt” a crowd with lofty rhetoric and a list of promises … as long as our national debt is large! Couple this with “white guilt”, an inherent and understandable naiveté of our youth, a “financial crisis”, fear and a genuine hope that “perhaps someone could bring us all closer together” … and … you have the perfect storm that produced our “first black President”!

Barack Hussein Obama did not bring us an attractive resume. His personal background and “Community Organizing” included civil unrest, active protest, litigation and a pressuring of businesses (banks) to violate their common sense values in loan practice. The history of this kind of liberal ideology is precisely what caused the mortgage industry meltdown and ensuing market crash. Yet, those who would “make him king” successfully deflected his radical views and shadowy personal associations … as well as his TOTAL lack of business experience and miniscule political background.

This time around we have more information! Mr. Obama cannot run on his abysmal record … for it is one of devastating debt, record unemployment, the largest food stamp participation in our history, government takeover of private industry, purposeful job suppression (Oil & Gas, Coal production and Business Aircraft to name a few)  … and knowing this, his supporting media cast (including NBC, ABC, CBS and MSNBC) have already begun the predictable targeting, labeling, character assassination and guilt by association tactics designed for a victory through elimination!

  • If you disagree with Barack Hussein Obama, you are a racist!
  • A conservative female candidate is introduced, on Jimmy Fallon’s late night show, with a song called “Lyin’ Ass Bitch”. (click here for proof)
  • Conservatives who gain ground, in the polls, must surely have some kind of dirt or scandal … and a call goes out for help in digging it up. (click here too)
  • If a conservative candidate slips up in their presentation they are labeled ignorant, foolish or simply “not presidential”.

Ok … are we surprised?


Is there a double standard with regard to the liberal media’s reporting of Democrats vs Republicans?


Is it time for Mr. Obama to undergo the same scrutiny?

You bet it is!!!

Sadly, the “Vetting of Obama” will not come from the so-called mainstream media. These outlets are simply too far gone … infected by the virus of big government, big spending and the utopian view of “redistribution”, “social justice” and a “Totalitarian Ideology” of “Central Planning”. These beliefs are in direct conflict with those that allowed our country to advance further, in 230 plus years, than other countries which have been in existence for thousands!

Capitalism built these United States and brought out our best and brightest through competition and hard work. In a free society, not everyone gets a “participation prize”. This is real life … where there are winners and losers with no absolute guarantees. If you fail at first, you are free to try again. If you succeed, you should be allowed to reap the benefits of your labor without being vilified or destroyed by a President of the United States with a “class envy” attitude and a chip on his destructive shoulder!

In my opinion, our country is too precious to be intrusted to a president who wishes to “transform” and control it! Our Constitution was created by men who recognized this danger and put their lives on the line to protect “freedom”. In so doing, they put in place the safeguards to prevent emotional or radical change! The congressional gridlock we see today is one of ideology … for in 2010, as voters recognized the realities of the socialistic tendencies of the Obama administration, the tide was thankfully turned!

Speaking of tendencies … unlike our current “First Lady”, I have always been proud of my country!

” … for the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country”.

                                                                                                Michelle Obama


Our freedoms are too important … to our lives, our liberty and our individual pursuits of happiness … to sit idly by … watching such blind ideological attachment, deception and ignorance in its attempt to destroy what we know and what we love!

Soooo … it is time to AGAIN check out Obama’s friends, his spiritual mentors and the individuals that surround and support him. The more I have discovered about Mr. Obama’s associations, the more disgusted I have become with the liberalism and deception of the major media. Many of the statistics, videos and article links you will see, in the coming weeks, never made it to center stage last time. Only “good light” was allowed to fall.

We will start with a guy by the name of Bill Ayers … an admitted domestic terrorist who helped launch Obama’s career. This video was created during the 2008 campaign. There were no in-depth discussions of this association … no calls for assistance to “dig up the dirt” and the initial reports were simply brushed aside by liberals and “their media”.

At the time, we did NOT know enough … lets “Change” … THAT!

See you next time!

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Finally … there is indeed HOPE!

by Sully on November 20, 2011

Do you remember the Presidential Campaign of 2008? Much of the news media seemed to fall in love with Barack Hussein Obama. He simply could do no wrong and any gaffe he uttered was minimized, explained away or … as in most cases … completely ignored! It actually got to point where informed americans were wondering “What in the world is going on?”

One individual was so taken, so enamored and so blinded by the “lofty rhetoric” spewed by Barack Obama that, during the primaries, he proclaimed … “I felt this thrill going up my leg!”  Liberal commentator Chris Matthews, of MSNBC (the bastion of televised liberalism), has previously supported the Obama administration to a degree that simply defies common sense.

Now, however … the “thrill” is gone … and the shocking reality of electing a totally unqualified individual, to the highest office in our land, has finally opened the eyes of one of his most ardent and vocal supporters. I must admit … I was totally shocked at the “reality check” rattled off by Mr. Matthews in this short video below …

Previously, this type of review would only have come from adversaries in talk radio or cable news channels. No matter the accuracy, the liberal left would have screamed bloody murder at such talk … but NOW …

MSNBC airing Obama negatives?    Somebody pinch me!

NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, MSNBC and CNN have all consistently turned a relatively deaf ear to Mr. Obama’s past … including … 

  • His dealings with unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.
  • His 20 years sitting in the church of the racist Jeremiah Wright.
  • His association with convicted real estate felon Tony Rezko.
  • His admiration and past alliance with the anti-Semitic, racist demagogue Louis Farrakhan.
  • The interesting similarities of his political tactics with Saul Alinsky’s (Author of “Rules for Radicals”).
  • His “typical white person” slur against his own grandmother.
  • And of course … his admitted use of cocaine and other drugs.

While the media crawls up the backsides of every conservative candidate in attempts to discredit, embarrass and destroy their very character, Barack Hussein Obama’s past is left covered in a shroud of secrecy, media solidarity and bias that has become increasingly obvious and borderline suspicious.

When a liberal “drone”, such as Chris Matthews, realizes the ineptitude of our president … the door is swung wide open for even more “teachable moments”!

Let the teaching begin!

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by Sully on November 13, 2011

This website seeks to provide news, statistics and other information which supports the conservative views of the “silent majority” in this great country of ours. A mindset of limited government, free markets, personal responsibility, liberty, freedom and a deep respect for our Constitution is the foundation of the American Spirit.

Conservatives will continue to uphold these beliefs which have made this country the envy of the world. Additionally, we will strongly oppose those who seek to “transform” us into a land of entitlements, mob rule, division and totalitarian type control.

However, from time to time, a need arises to assist individuals with opposing philosophies. We strive to enlighten those who have lost their way or who have succumbed to the liberal-leaning “lamestream media” slant and the incessant “preachings” of pandering, deceptive, disingenuous tele-prompter fed politicians.

The following practical and extremely valuable video is presented in this spirit of brotherhood, enlightenment and unity.


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B. O. MUST GO !!!!

by Sully on November 6, 2011

There are only 365 days until the 2012 presidential election!

If you voted for Barack Hussein Obama, you are likely suffering from voter’s remorse … and for good reason!

His promises of “Post Partisanship”, “No Lobbyists”, “C-Span Transparency”, “You can keep your doctor”, “No Earmarks”, “No litigation of the past”, “I don’t want to pit Red America against Blue America … ”  and on and on ad nauseum … should be enough to make even the staunchest Democrat rethink their allegiance to this smack talking Decepticon!

As the old saying goes …

“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on ME!”

America …

                if you love your country … 

                                  DO NOT BE FOOLED AGAIN! 


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